Tips and Tricks


Tips & Tricks from Rhiceneth

* Find a good catering theory book – it has a lot of useful information, portion sizes, seasonal availability of produce and a variety of tips and tricks for preparing food.
* If you plan on doing a lot of pies or tarts either purchase in bulk pastry sheets or get a good pasta maker – it can help you roll nice foil thin sized pastry sheets.
* For any event – make small purchases and store – especially when you see it on special.




Tips & Tricks from Adeline

* If you keep a 1:1 ratio of meat to vegetables dishes each remove you will easily cater for your booked and surprise vegetarians.
* Remember vegetarian stocks need to be vegetarian – massel have a good one or make your won stock.
* Beef stocks usually contain beef (yes really), but are often used in vegetarian dishes
* Buy your fruits and vegetables at the markets, it cuts down on your budget by a great amount.
