Disclaimer and Copyright

Original website created by Rhiceneth Rhieinfellt uerch Rhieinwylydd Rhybrawst uerch Rhydderch Rhuddfedel Rhydern.



These are the recognised web pages of the Lochac Cooks’ Guild
The Lochac Cooks’ Guild is a recognised guild in the Kingdom of Lochac.

The Lochac Cooks’ Guild is dedicated to the practice and promotion of pre-seventeenth century cookery in the SCA and the Kingdom of Lochac.
This is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and does not define SCA policy.
The maintainer of these pages the guild web minister; for comments, inclusions, suggestions, and feedback please email the LCG Administrator.



Copyright on all text and text extracts used in these web pages belongs to their respective authors.

Credit has been given where appropriate to contributors.

Copyright remains with the original authors.

Permission to reproduce any part or whole of this website whether in electronic or print media is NOT implicit or implied. Permission must be sought from the relevant copyright owner. If an email link is not provided for direct contact please contact the web minister.

No text here has been reproduced without permission of the original copyright authors.



