1. Breads and doughs – sweet, savoury or unleavened
2. Cakes, biscuits, sweetmeats or nibbles
3. Sweets – desserts, including creams, curds, custards and fruits (but not pies)
4. Pies and pastries
5. Soups, stews and pottages
6. Vegetables and salads
7. Meat, fish, poultry and game (but not including pies pies or stews)
8. Sauces – thickened, vinaigrettes, vinegars and marinades
9. Beverages – not brewed or fermented
10. Egg or cheese dishes
11. Preserves – jams, jellies, pickles, salted and dried items
12. Subtleties
13. Starches- pasta, rice etc (New category voted by members in 2016) >